Be Extraordinary

Our Brand Philosophy

Our Vision

To create brilliant sh*t that makes the world feel a little less ordinary.

We are a boutique creative agency for hire.

We tell stories with motion.

Stories that delight and inspire (always).

Explore unexpected perspectives (sometimes).

Shine a light on what’s important (maybe).

make the world feel brighter and more Meaningful


Our Purpose

To be a guiding light

We believe in being a force for good.  Business should be about making the world a better for everyone (not just shareholders).

Content creators shape the consciousness of modern life. They reflect the mood and set the tone for the conversations we are all having. We believe in using this power to go beyond mere entertainment and craft content that helps people find their place in a confusing the world a brighter and more meaningful place.

To be artisans of communication, we look for ways to craft stories that elevate our collective narrative. Even the most mundane corporate

We strive to be artisans of communication, telling beautifully crafted stories that elevate our collective narrative. Stories that go beyond the conventional and explore life from intriguing angles. Stories that recognize the light and potential that is all around us. Stories that see beyond the obvious. Stories that find depth and purpose in both the nonsensical and the profound. Stories that transcend the everyday noise and help us remember our true, luminous selves.

“proclaim that which will captivate the minds of men and will rejoice their souls and spirits”


Our Personality

Toucans are part jester, part alchemist, and part artisan. We don’t follow the crowd or blindly accept conventional wisdom. We stand on our heads and ask what we really see; deconstructing the forces at play and weaving together the subtle threads that unlock potential and create something better than before.

Our Outlook — Jester

As the jester, we are curious, playful, and (at least a little bit) irreverent. We love asking awkward questions and looking at the world from unconventional perspectives — turning things upside down and reflecting them back in unexpectedly delightful ways.

Our Approach — Alchemist

As alchemists, we use intuition and insight to see beyond the obvious and release untapped potential. We view the world through many lenses — using a mix of psychology and technology to turn ideas into reality and transform the mundane into the extraordinary.

Our Work — Artisan

As the artisan, we explore perception and expression. We strive to craft beautiful and eloquent work that weaves meaning on many levels — delivering nuanced, profound, authentic narratives that help us learn something new about ourselves and the world we live in.

Nice People — Us

And as human beings we care about the planet and all the things that scurry about on its surface. We believe in making the world a better, brighter, nicer place for all.

Our Tone


Perceptive, unconventional, brilliant, inspired.


Eccentric, profound, curious, surprising, reassuring.


Mystical, irreverent, challenging, devils-advocate.


Predictable, superficial, insipid, clichéd, complicit.

Our Creative Principles

To be creative is to be human. And at its core, creativity is about communication. It is about looking outside, then looking inside. Observing and contemplating. And expressing something that reflects our experience.

For us social animals, creativity is not just a frivolous self-indulgence. It adds meaning to our collective experience. Through it, we learn something more about ourselves and the world around us.

So, as artisans of communication we seek the core of every message. We explore the borders where the light and shadow of contrasting ideas interplay in intriguing ways. These are the birthplaces of the previously unthought. And we look for ways to intertwine the threads of expression — using psychology and narrative, language and rhythm, tone, sound, composition, colour, to create powerful resonance.

Be Unconventionally Brilliant

Don’t be obvious! True brilliance lies beyond whatever is apparent on the surface. So explore new and unusual perspectives that captivate the imagination and uncover the gems hidden within.

Be Delightfully Irreverent

Being normal is dull! The best way to help others see the possibilities that lie beyond what they think they think is to playfully tug at the corner of conventional expectations. Who makes up the rules, anyway?

Be Whimsically Profound

Don’t take things too seriously! Accepting the wisdom(s) in the absurdity of existence is the only way we all get out of this alive. Well, not alive, but we’ll definitely have more fun along the way.

Be Playfully Authentic

Don’t be pointless! Push the boundaries of perception and expression. Weave together exquisite and delightful layers to craft intriguing, remarkable, profound stories that add to the human experience.

Be Disruptively Good

Don’t try to fight darkness with more darkness! Humanity is all on the same team. So rather than taking sides, dismantle the argument itself. After all, we’re all describing the same elephant!

Why Content Matters

Your Attention (Please)!

The digital glow of our always-on world bathes us in streams of information that demand our constant attention. We scroll and tap, scroll and tap! Our reward? A near-limitless supply of meaningless gratification. So, we keep scrolling and tapping — unwitting dopamine junkies, fruitlessly searching for the end of infinity.

We have become the playthings of the platforms that deliver these messages. They choose what we see. They control the flow. And they engineer interactions that keep us coming back for more.

The Revolution Is Cancelled

The dawn of social media promised a brave new world. The rationing of information was to end. Truth would no longer be curated. The gates to all collective knowledge were open, and we were free at last to explore and understand reality in all its unfiltered glory.

But you die young or become your parents, as they say. Social media grew up and got a job. And that job was to find increasingly sophisticated ways to keep us locked into their platforms.

Instead of freedom, we got algorithms that seal us into individually filtered versions of reality. Virtual communities for one. Hyper-saturated. Monocultural. Ideological bubbles, seasoned with just enough curated conflict to retain our indignant focus. Our instincts hijacked by commercially endorsed self-obsession. We are algorithmically enslaved ghosts in someone else’s machine.

Content By Gaslight

This is a world that nature never prepared us for. Peering at life through other people’s windows. Our realities framed and distorted by uncertain agendas. We are ensnared by a technologically enhanced mix of nihilism and paranoia. All around us, AI content factories spew out more junk than can ever be consumed, while toxic digital opinions are mouthlessly yelled at no one in particular. For our own protection, we learn to ignore, and, in turn, are ignored.

Storytelling Is Our DNA

Long before the internet, or television, or movies, or books, we told stories. Round campfires, painted on walls, in words and pictures, architecture and art. And at the core of these stories was a search for truth and meaning.

Stories shape our culture and influence how we think. It is through the creative art of sharing experiences that we better understand our collective realities.

We live in uncertain times. The world around us is evolving rapidly. Our centuries-old structures of authority and control are struggling to support our modern needs. We are confused, uncertain of who we are, our allegiance demanded by competing interests — corporate, political, nationalistic, ideological. Truth and reason are eroded and we are boxed and labelled, identified and demonized by those who have something to gain from arbitrary lines whose purpose is to divide and control.

Creating Content For Good

To survive this turbulent moment in humanity’s development, we too need to evolve. And we need experience the world in more meaningful ways.

Instead of polar mistruths, vacuous entertainment, and mind-numbing trend-following, we need stories that help us see the world from fresh perspectives. We need content that stimulates profound conversations. Content that helps us reflect on our realities, foster compassion and understand, redefine our expectations, and inspire us to embrace our own capacity for transformative action.

Our Commitment

This is were we come in. Our commitment is to be a lighthouse in a stormy landscape. To shine a light that helps others find their way. To use our power to influence the collective mood and ask the questions that we need to reflect on.

We want to create content that helps us to see beyond our limiting beliefs. To recognize that there is beauty and potential reflected in all things. To try to understand the choices we make. To embrace and celebrate the glorious absurdity of our existence. To rise above the noise and chaos of everyday life and make the world feel like a brighter and more vibrant place.

The future of our collective mental health will thank us!

How To Irony

It’s never a good sign when you have to explain a joke — but here we go:

Ever looked at a toucan and thought, “what a boring looking bird. I nearly didn’t notice it.”?

No? Of course not!

Thats because even the most ordinary of toucans are pretty extraordinary! They don't wear dull suits or worry about fitting in with conventional expectations. They are distinctive and colourful! And that’s our point! You can be awesome, just by being more “you”.

We’re here to challenge conventional perspectives and tell delightful stories that make the world feel a little bit brighter and a little less ordinary. We create content so that optimistic brands can launch brilliant ideas, spark transformation, and create believers in what they do.